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United Americans Party

A national political party providing organizational services to promote the successful election of moderate UAP candidates to win national offices: White House, House, and Senate.

The country's two-party system is clearly in full scale decline demonstrating its inability to provide sound leadership. Both Democrats and Republicans have lost their moral authority to govern, and have instead as individuals insulated themselves from us citizens by promoting division, anger and dissolution amongst us all.

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A New Dawn for Democracy

United In Purpose

In an era marked by division and corruption, the United Americans Party, founded by Michael Stuart, envisions a return to a politics of empathy, respect, and moderate ideals. Our mission is to mend the fabric of American democracy, making it truly of the people, by the people, for the people once more.

Our Core Principles

The Pillars of the United Americans Party


We will fiercely guard the right to be heard, committing to listen with openness and tolerance, especially when we disagree. Respect is our foundation.

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Active citizenship is non-negotiable. Voting, staying informed, and holding the media accountable are duties we embrace for a healthier democracy.


Our actions and decisions are guided by honesty, transparency, and a steadfast commitment to doing what is right for all Americans.

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Transformative Initiatives 

Policies for a Prosperous America

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Flat Tax

Simple Flat tax on all income on all  individuals and corporations eliminating 90% of all deductions yielding ample surplus revenues to fund key federal programs

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Public Funding of Federally elected offices

Mandatory annual IRS contribution of $10 for each individual and corporate filing.  No private funding allowed with federal Class C felony convictions for violators. 10 year term limits for House, Senate and U.S. Supreme Court.

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Climate Change

We acknowledge that climate change represents an existential threat to the USA and Mother Earth.  The U.S. will lead by example.

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Universal Healthcare

Healthcare and ample social security benefits as a right for all citizens.

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Public Education

Reorganization of our education system top to bottom, including preschool care , reinstitution of Civics as required coursework,  2 & 4 year college free tuition for all who apply and complete certifications and degrees, and finally, a system of adult occupation training and retraining leading to sustainable self-sufficiency.

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Strong Military and intelligence Funding

Significant funding for not only traditional military resources, but cyber warfare as well. Finally, well top funding for veterans' health and education programs in contrast to the lip service currently given to those who protect us.

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Law Enforcement

Ample funding for a strong, universally well educated and trained law enforcement system undergirded by state-of-the-art technologies regardless of state or municipality. True respect for all who defend us against crime and violence.

About Mike

The Visionary Behind UAP

Michael Stuart's Journey

Raised in a devout Midwestern family, Michael Stuart's early exposure to community service and degrees in political science laid the groundwork for his political engagement. With a background marked by personal loss during the Vietnam War and a successful career in electronics, Stuart brings a unique perspective to his leadership of the United Americans Party. His vision: a politics rooted in empathy, respect, and the collective good.

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Our Roadmap

Building the Movement

Step 2: Target Rural Areas

Focusing on rural communities to build our foundational support network.

Step 4: Stand in Truth

Facing opposition with dignity and aligning our mission with the enduring principles of America's founders.

Step 1: Select State Chairpersons

Interviewing and selecting dynamic leaders for each state to spearhead our grassroots efforts.

Step 3: Refine the message

Sharpening our message for clarity and impact, engaging local media for broader discourse

Step 5: Podcast

Interviewing and selecting dynamic leaders for each state to spearhead our grassroots efforts.

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 Voices of Unity

Tune into Change

Join us for the United Americans Party podcast series, where we dive into the issues that matter, share stories of American resilience, and outline our plans for a united future.


Building the Movement

Dive into the documents that outline the United Americans Party's vision for a restored, vibrant American democracy. Join us in creating what our nation will become.

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The United American Party

November 2028, Take the White House

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Common Sense 2024

Read to discover motivation and purpose of your new party.

Contact Us

Get in touch for more information

P.O. Box 358, Redmond, WA. 98073-0358

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